Our Services

Leadership Communication Coaching

A key part of “Executive Presence” is appearing comfortable under pressure and at ease in tough situations. The more senior you are, the more there is at stake. Having an off day can be very expensive. We help you to build on your natural strengths and authentic style to successfully achieve your goals and work with you to ensure that you perform consistently at your best whatever the audience, setting or scenario.
Your time is precious, so the coaching is tailored to your specific needs, challenges and time constraints. We’ll build our coaching around your key events to ensure it’s as practical and efficient as possible.
We’ve coached at board level at more than half the top 10 SGX listed companies and have an excellent track record in helping our clients get promoted.

"I really enjoyed our session it was very useful. I put your advice to the test at our annual D&D last night. I have not had so much positive feedback on a speech of mine...ever! Thank you very much." Country Head, Retail Chain

Communication Skills Training

We aim to make all our communication skills workshops interactive, engaging, challenging and fun.
Leveraging our experience working on major pitches, interviews and financial presentations helps us to bring significantly more value and realism to our workshops.
Extensive use is made of video recording and playback to really cement the learning points. The use of proven templates and techniques as well as our participants' own business examples, helps to ensure that the learning points are practical, realistic and can be immediately applied the very next day.
We work with our clients to get the right balance between theory and practice, as well as to optimise the group size and length of workshops.
We cover, presenting, pitching, building rapport, handling difficult situations, influence and persuasion, business writing, message development and design, negotiation and networking.

"Just wanted to let you know I’ve utilised some of the tips you’ve given…. I truly appreciate the training you’ve given and the feedback. I’ve learnt more in just 1 day with you compared to all the training I’ve attended in the past 9 years”
Manager, Insurance Company

Media Handling

“It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it” Warren Buffet.
The media offer an unrivalled opportunity for individuals and companies to promote themselves and get their stories across to huge audiences. But speaking to the media can be one of the most stressful of activities and awareness and preparation is key.
We can help you to better understand the media, to better prepare, and to proactively communicate your messages in the most memorable and compelling way.
After the training you’ll feel much more confident and comfortable with this challenging environment and be far more effective at getting your story out. The end result should be a win win scenario. You get your message across and the media not only get an interesting story, but also a senior spokesperson who they feel confident calling back again and again.

“I just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you for last week's media training.
I was fairly happy with my presentation on CNBC, particularly given all the very hard questions I got. There was no way I would have dealt with questions and got my message across without the training”
Senior Director, Ratings Agency

Investor / Pitch support

Whether pitching for new business or pitching for investment, you’re operating in a highly competitive market with no margin for error.
We won’t tell you what to say, you’ll always know your market and business better than us. We will challenge you, and we’ll help you develop, design and deliver a clear, coherent and compelling message delivered by a confident and integrated team.
Having supported teams from 20 different countries win multi-million dollar mandates and raise more than 20 billion dollars through IPO’s, bond issues, trade sales etc, we’ve developed an approach that works. We recognise that before key events, time can be tight and stress levels high. Our goal is to have the maximum impact in the shortest possible time.

It is almost embarrassing to admit that the “storyline building” and “presentation training” helped us tremendously.
CEO after investor presentations

Individual and Team profiling

We use the HBDI profiling tool to help our clients to better recognize their styles and how these might compare and contrast with their colleagues, clients and other stakeholders around them. This helps them to better categorise the people that they need to interact with and to then better strategise their approaches to these different people. As a result, they can improve their persuasive impact and their ability to build trust and rapport, by talking the language of each person’s particular preferences. Doing a team profiling exercise can help groups not just to tolerate differences, but to actually celebrate the diversity within the team. Ultimately this can lead individuals to better play to each other’s strengths and improve task and client allocation.

“I have to say that I was especially impressed with this course. I found the strategy of scientifically gearing messages and communications based on audience preferences and personality type to be quite interesting and potentially quite a powerful tool.
Thank you very much.”
Director, Investment Bank


The misuse and abuse of powerpoint is one of the single most important reasons why so many presentations fail. They end up distracting both the audience and the presenter. But slide packs that are both well designed and effectively controlled by the presenter can add great clarity, dramatic impact and the appearance of real professionalism.
Not many people are powerpoint guru’s and developing effective slides can be frustrating and time consuming. We provide both specialist support in the development of key slide presentations as well as tailored training programs to help clients develop their skills and competence in this important area.

“It was indeed a very good session. I have actually revised the ppt that you went through with us together with my managers and analysts today. They were totally impressed.
Deputy MD, Property Investment Company